Resettlement start date: 2016-2019
Construction start date: 2020
Connection to the Golden Horde: The land of the Golden Valley of the Jochi Khan’s Golden Horde.
Becoming the world capital: The new capital of the Golden Taiga of Flowers of the Golden Horde. Strategic role and purpose of the city: The center of the Eurasian settled culture.
Geo-ecological significance: The connection of the pure fire of the three eldest sons and the pure water river basin of three generations.
Culture and social significance: The new Batu Sarai will become the cultural center of the Golden Horde of Batu Khan. It will introduce the existence of the pure fire of three generations of Genghis Khan’s linage. Introduce the existence of the Golden Mountain Horde of Yesugei Khan to the world for the first time. Furthermore, the history of the Golden Horde will reveal the true birthplace of Genghis Khan and start the new golden Aquarius era for the world settled civilizations along rivers.
Location: At the geographical location where the pure fire of the three generations meets in the Golden Horde.
Urban structure and architecture: The new Batu Sarai will have 12 more sub-cities.
Future development and planning: The new Batu Sarai will start construction and development of 51 cities including three compound cities of the Golden Horde in Eurasia.
Size: 20 km x 20 km, 400 mk2
Messages: The new city of Batu Sarai marks the beginning of the Golden Aquarius era of Genghis Khan's Mongols. Let us announce the construction of the new Batu Sarai city to the world, and let the construction of the new Batu Sarai city to bring 40,000 years of peace to the Mongolian people. The new city of Batu Sarai will bring 60.000 years of peace to humanity. Let's join the great construction of the Batu Sarai city to bring 60.000 years of peace to humanity!
Year of construction: 1224
Governance: The Golden Horde of Batu Khan
Location features: at the end of Chuya River in the territory of the Golden Horde of Jochi Khan.
The historical role of the city: Model of settle culture of the Great Mongol, the symbol of the untouchable sovereignty of the Golden Horde, Elder grandson Batu Khan connected Eurasia by the culture of the Golden Horde.
Resettlement reason: Old Batu Sarai was in the Golden Valley of the Golden Horde of Jochi Khan in the golden Pisces Yurt during the Pisces era. As the Pisces era ended, it must move to a new place.
Urban planning: a complete water supply and sewerage system, a heating system and public toilets, a public bath.
Full introduction: During world war II, fascist Germany could not occupy the city. It can be seen as symbolic proof that this city is the guarantee of the sovereignty of the Golden Horde. This can be explained by the fact the city was built on a geographical location where outer seawater can not reach. The city is located at the crossing of 47th longitudes and 37th latitude. Bat Sarai is the first city to have a complete heating system in the world. The city had water supply and sewerage systems and also a lot of public toilets and baths, which makes it one of the leading world cities of that time. Citizens of Batu Sarai did not use an open fire for their daily needs instead used a smokeless stove that is still in use in the territories of former Il Khanate. The city was located in the Golden Valley during the Pisces era.
Resettlement route: From the end of Chuya River to its source.